If you've been to a buffet in South Lake Tahoe recently you may have noticed a new item on the menu - crayfish! To those of us in Northern California and Nevada crayfish is not a usual dish served up in restaurants but it is actually a regular delicacy in the South.
Time to Hit the Links - The Best Golf in Lake Tahoe

Best Golf in Lake Tahoe
Summertime is in full swing with gorgeous weather, great outdoor activities and inviting rolling greens. But now that August has officially started it's time for Lake Tahoe travelers to make the most of the season before the snow starts to fall again. One of the best things to do in Lake Tahoe in the summer months is to spend time at the best golf courses in the area, so hurry now before those rolling greens become rolling whites!
The Lake Tahoe Olympic Bid

The Lake Tahoe Olympic Bid
With the 2012 Olympics just starting this week the buzz about all things related to these prestigious international games has grown to an audible roar. Keep an eye out and you will even see our favorite travel destination (Lake Tahoe!) mentioned in the midst of it all.