All hands on deck! This year’s South Lake Tahoe Wooden Boat Classic is taking place this weekend, July 26-27, so put on those boat shoes and hop on board! The weekend is sure to amaze, with the Thundering 30s theme being the biggest classic boat showcase the event has ever seen before.
Turn Back Time at the South Tahoe Wooden Boat Classic
Tolliver Wins Tahoe's 24th annual American Century Championship

Tolliver Wins Tahoe's 24th annual American Century Championship
Billy Joe Tolliver won the 24th annual American Century Championship at Edgewood in South Lake Tahoe, beating 1990 (yes, 1990!!!) winner Mark Rypien on the 3rd playoff hole. Both Tolliver and Rypien are former NFL quarterbacks which bodes well for the job market for QBs after playing in the NFL. Tolliver seems to always be in contention winning the tournament for the fourth time.
A Standing Ovation for This Year’s Lake Tahoe SummerFest

A Standing Ovation for This Year’s Lake Tahoe SummerFest
With days packed with so many Lake Tahoe activities, nights at this year’s Lake Tahoe SummerFest are perfect for decompressing. Guests are sure to be mesmerized by the incredible talent and enthralling notes at this season’s SummerFest concerts at the lake. A more perfect setting cannot be imagined as visitors are invited to enjoy the magic of classical music within the natural beauty of Lake Tahoe.