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Lake Tahoe is one of those places that have accrued a long list of urban legends, interesting facts...
Should You Still Go Camping in Lake Tahoe? Absolutely!
The days are still warm enough for...
Labor Day is the unofficial end of summer. The school year is back in swing around the country, and...
If you're anything like me, someone mentions Lake Tahoe and you say, what?
I'd never heard of Lake...
Feb 11, 2013
at 8:29 pm
Joined: February 2013
Would recommend to a friend
Date visited: 2/13
Guides Like He Wants You to Come Back
I have fished with Guides throughout North and Central America. One of the hazards in hiring a fishing guide in a location popular with tourists is that many guides in these circumstances seem to assume that because you have traveled from far away to fish, you are not likely to become a return customer. In these situations, the guide may not go the extra mile in creating a fishing experience. Rick Kennedy doesn't run that kind of operation. The boat and the equipment are top quality. Visiting Tahoe in Winter, the heater was a great touch. As any experienced fisherman knows, no one can control fish (that's why we call it fishing and not catching). The day we fished, the bite was on the slow side. But Rick Kennedy was tireless in our pursuit of fish, continually moving and changing tactics until we had success. What was even more impressive, he never watched the clock - in fact I called it quits with Rick offering to keep fishing!