Restaurant Certificate Coupon Program

About the Restaurant Coupon Certificate Program
A New Way to Generate Revenue for Your RestaurantFrom small and large groups, cocktails and appetizers to entrees and deserts, our objective is to promote and generate business for your restaurant.
How it Works Easy Step by Step Process (click on the link for more details)- Decide what promotional offer you'd like to offer customers on our web site.
- Provide us images (including video) and restaurant description, or, we simply access this content from your web site, OR, arrange for our photographer to visit your site and take pictures.
- We post your restaurant on our web site for FREE and build a full page or mini-web site on our site featuring your special coupon and promotional offers.
- Customer purchases a coupon from us through our web site.
- Customer redeems coupon with you when they dine at your restaurant.
- For tracking, we have an internal system that tracks purchases and coupon numbers issued. We also provide you a list of unique coupon codes or skew numbers coded to your restaurant.
- It is completely free to you.
- The program will help increase covers and generate revenue.
- We sell the discount coupon (which is how we make our money in lieu of advertising fees) and you agree to honor the coupon.
- You gain customer revenue and the discount is your de facto marketing or advertising expense. In other words, you pay nothing unless you receive business.
- For example, a customer visits our site and purchases a coupon. This coupon may have a $10 value at your restaurant for which the customer purchased for $3 (or $25 in value for $9 etc...). This coupon likely has terms associated with it such as (i) minimum food purchase of $35, (ii) alcohol excluded, (iii) minimum gratuity of 18% added to pre-discounted check amount etc... You set the terms (we can suggest common terms). You simply honor the $10 coupon. We charge and collect the $3 which is how we make money.
- There is no long term commitment.
We can help and answer any questions you have about the program.
Please call us at (800) 450-7805.
Easy Step by Step Process (more detail)Decide what promotional offer you'd like to offer customers on our website.
We suggest selecting from one or all of the most popular offers. You can select up to three offers. For example:

You can also establish terms associated with your offer. Some of the most common are:
- Minimum food purchase of $X i.e.: $20 minimum with the $10 coupon and $35 with the $25 coupon for example.
- Alcohol or wine excluded, food only (some do this, so don't)
- Minimum gratuity of 18% added to pre-discounted check amount
- Not valid on Mondays, holidays or with any other discount offer
- Present to server before check is presented.
- $10 Certificate... Price $3 - Minimum pre-certificate purchase of $20. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Dinner. Excludes: Other Offers/Promotions.
- $25 Certificate... Price $9 - Minimum purchase of $35. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Dinner. Excludes: Other Offers/Promotions.
- $50 Certificate... Price $19 - Minimum purchase of $100. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Dinner. Excludes: Other Offers/Promotions.
- $10 Certificate... Price $3 - Minimum pre-certificate purchase of $20. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Lunch and Dinner, Food ONLY, Dine In ONLY. Excludes: Saturdays & Holidays. Other Offers/Promotions. Present prior to ordering.
- $25 Certificate... Price $9 - Minimum purchase of $35. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Lunch and Dinner, Food ONLY, Dine In ONLY. Excludes: Saturdays & Holidays. Other Offers/Promotions. Present prior to ordering.
- $50 Certificate... Price $19 - Minimum purchase of $100. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Lunch and Dinner, Food ONLY, Dine In ONLY. Excludes: Saturdays & Holidays. Other Offers/Promotions. Present prior to ordering.
- $25 Certificate... Price $9 - Minimum purchase of $35. 18% Gratuity added prior to discount. Valid for Lunch and Dinner. Excludes: Other Offers/Promotions.
- $10 Certificate... Price $3 - Valid for LUNCH only with a minimum food purchase of $20. 18% gratuity added to pre-discounted check amount. Excludes: Other Offers/Promotions.
Provide us images (including video) and restaurant description, or, we simply access this content from your web site, OR, arrange for our photographer to visit your site and take pictures.
High resolution images work the best. If you have a set of images, you can pass them to us via email or CD and well do the rest. Well even post video.
If you prefer, our IT staff and site editors can simply use images or content taken directly from your web site.
Another option is that we arrange for our photographer to visit your site and take high quality pictures of your interior, exterior and popular food dishes.
We post your restaurant on our web site for FREE and build a full page or mini-web site on our site featuring your special coupon and promotional offers.
Your FREE ad listing is posted on our site in the Restaurant section. Viewers can find your restaurant in many ways including By Type, By Neighborhood, By Price and By Reviews.
Your ad listing and value coupon is featured in a way that users can easily see and take action. Users click on your ad or coupon and are directed to your beautiful page or mini-web site full of your restaurant content, images, reviews, and specific coupon offers. Here is a screen shot of an example ad listing:

Customer purchases a coupon from us through our web site. Customer redeems coupon with you when they dine at your restaurant.
- The customer purchases the discounted value coupon from us. They then redeem the coupon with you upon dining at your restaurant.
- We sell the discount coupon (which is how we make our money in lieu of advertising fees) and you agree to honor the coupon.
- You gain customer revenue and the discount is your de facto marketing or advertising expense. In other words, you pay nothing unless you receive business.
- For example, a customer visits our site and purchases a coupon. This coupon may have a $10 value at your restaurant for which the customer purchased for $3 on our site (or $25 in value for $9 etc...). This coupon likely has terms associated with it such as (i) minimum food purchase of $35, (ii) alcohol excluded, (iii) minimum gratuity of 18% added to pre-discounted check amount etc... You set the terms (we can suggest common terms).
- You simply honor the $10 coupon (using the above example). We charge and collect the $3 which is how we make money.
- There is no long term commitment.
For tracking, we have an internal system that tracks purchases and coupon numbers issued. We also provide you a list of unique coupon codes or SKU numbers coded to your restaurant.
Our internal system helps keep track of purchases and coupon numbers issued. Each time a customer purchases a coupon, they will be sent a confirmation document with a unique SKU number.
After signing up for our coupon program, you will be sent a complete list of SKU numbers. Then when a customer uses a coupon, the confirmation SKU number can be matched to the list to verify its authenticity.